Destruction of paper

Contact us

Container installation

over 5 thousand containers of various types

Paper documents collection

container emptying and transport of paper documents to the destruction site


mechanical destruction in accordance with the EU standard DIN 66399


baling and shipping for recovery

Container installation

- over 5 thousand containers of various types

Paper documents collection

- container emptying and transport of paper documents to the destruction site


- mechanical destruction in accordance with the EU standard DIN 66399


- baling and shipping for recovery

Are you having
trouble with excess documents?

If it's time to dispose of a certain amount of documentation, you want to ensure that it will be securely destroyed, that the data of you and your clients will be safe, and that you will free up the necessary space with maximum security. If you want to save time and money without any compromises, it's time to entrust the documentation to professionals.

You don't need to look any further
You're in the right place!

Choose a company specialized in document destruction, a company that must possess a waste management license, ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certificates for confidential document destruction, and a company that offers the possibility of witnessing the destruction so that you can be fully assured that your documentation is indeed destroyed.

Contact us with confidence

Fill out the questionnaire so we can create an offer tailored to your needs.

Reliable transportation
of documents from Your location

After accepting the offer, a specialized tracked vehicle arrives at the agreed upon time, picks up the documentation, and transports it to our facility in Jastrebarsko where it will be destroyed according to the highest security standards.

Security at a Higher Level!

The documentation is destroyed using state-of-the-art machines custom-built strictly for the destruction of paper documentation. These machines are of high power and large capacity, and they destroy your documentation according to the European standard DIN 66399, at security level P4. This ensures that even the largest and most demanding clients can be confident that the capacities are sufficient for their needs.

Destruction certificate
Your guarantee for peace of mind!

After the service of destruction has been completed, we issue a Waste Disposal List (PLO) and a Destruction Certificate to each of our clients, in accordance with the requirements of the Croatian State Archives..

Contact us

We protect you, your business and your clients
in all of Croatia

Destruction of documents is one of the most important ways to protect yourself from identity theft, corporate espionage or potentially compromising information leakage (e.g. data on citizens, clients, financial information, data on new products, personal documents, salary statements, business plans, etc.)

Using the services of document destruction also allows you to promote your company as one of those companies which respect the privacy of their clients, employees and business partners. It can be a great advantage over others regardless of the type of your business activity.